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Get To Know Your Hospitality Specialist

Hospitality Is Being The Better Part Of Someone's Day

Felicia Brown has been providing  efficient, effective, and enjoyable dining experiences since 2004. She has worked in restaurants, hotels, and lounges and always with the goal being guest satisfaction. Understanding the needs of the guests and the clients are among Felicia's top priorities. Falling right in line with that is delivering memorable experiences for the guests and clients. 

Felicia also has a passion for writing. She attended Georgia State University where she received her degree in Journalism. She's written articles for the school's newspaper, press releases for music artists, and she's written for several  online blogs, including her own. 

She decided to combine all of her talents and knowledge into forming Your Hospitality Specialist. 

Ready to make your next move with confidence? Get in touch with Your Hospitality Specialist  today and get started. 

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